Adds an account to the database via an http form post. A successful post will return a success message and the accountid for the new account.
Please note: This API Function is not enabled by default in new White Label accounts. Please contact us to have this function enabled for your account.
Post Url
- SSL is requred
Form Fields
Field | Max Length* | Required | Notes |
response_type | No | Default results will be returned in XML.Set this field value to json to return results in JSON format | |
apiusername | Yes | API User Name and password are assigned by AllClients | |
apipassword | Yes | API User Name and password are assigned by AllClients | |
50 | Yes | ||
password | 50 | Yes | You need to assign a password, even if you are using other sign on methods |
timezone | Numeric | No | GMT Offeset (default value is “-8.0” for Pacific Standard Time) |
group | 50 | No | Must match a group in your WLCRM Control Panel. Otherwise, first alphabetical group will be used |
affiliatecode | 10 | No | Must match an affiliate code in your WLCRM Control Panel |
professionalmodule | No | ||
features | No | Available options are Gold or Silver (default is Gold)This new feature/field is under development – Should be released by 2/21/2013 | |
skiptemplates | 1 | No | 0 (default) Copy templates from defaults (Emails, Letters, Autoresponders, Landing Pages)1 = Skip copying of templates (Emails, Letters, Autoresponders, Landing Pages) |
mailmerge_newsletter | 50 | No | Mail Merge Profile: Newsletter Title, ie: “John’s Newsletter” |
mailmerge_fullname | 50 | No | ie: “John Smith” |
mailmerge_company | 50 | No | |
mailmerge_address | 60 | No | ie: “123 Mail Street Suite A” |
mailmerge_citystatezip | 60 | No | ie: “Windsor, CA 95492” |
mailmerge_phone | 30 | No | |
mailmerge_email | 75 | No | |
mailmerge_website | 75 | No | Use full URL. ie: “http://www.mywebsite.com/” |
trialdays | 3 | No | For use with Recurly Billing Integration
# of Days until Trial Expires |
billingstatus | 20 | No | For use with Recurly Billing Integration
Use an exact value from the Billing Status dropdown in the White Label Admin (ex: Trial, etc…) |
* An error will not result if Max Length is exceeded. Data will be trimmed to this length.
Sample Results
Success Message
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Sample Failure Message
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<error>Authentication failed</error>