VoiceTouch has the following functions that can either post information back to your servers, or request specific information from your servers in order for the user to proceed.
Use this function if you have an external system that gives your users permission to buy numbers from VoiceTouch (your own online store for example)
yoururl?a=(account id)&s=(systemid)
a = The Account ID of the user that wants to buy a phone number
s = The System ID (only important if you manage multiple White Label installations)
If your function returns OK as the body of the result, then VoiceTouch will allow the user to proceed with searching for and purchasing a number.
If OK is not returned as the result, the user will be giving a “Permission Denied” message.
To add an CanCreate request, please provide our support department the URL of your function.
When a VoiceTouch number is created, we will post back to the URL that you provide with the following information in the querystring
yoururl?a=(account id)&p=(phone number)&sid=(twilio sid)&s=(systemid)
a = The Account ID of the user that created the phone number
p = The phone number created in format: 7075551234
sid= The Twilio unique ID for the phone number (see Twilio)
s = The System ID (only important if you manage multiple White Label installations)
To add an OnCreate notification, please provide our support department the URL of your function.
When a VoiceTouch number is deleted, we will post back to the URL that you provide with the following information in the querystring
yoururl?a=(account id)&p=(phone number)&sid=(twilio sid)&s=(systemid)
a = The Account ID of the user that deleted the phone number
p = The phone number deleted in format: 7075551234
sid= The Twilio unique ID for the phone number (see Twilio)
s = The System ID (only important if you manage multiple White Label installations)
To add an OnDelete notification, please provide our support department the URL of your function.