Tools and News for Developers using the AllClients Platform



Add a contact note via an http form post.

Post Url
  • SSL is requred
  • White Label CRM Customers: Replace with your White Label CRM domain name.

Important Note

Submitting a blank field will result in clearing the data for that field out of the database. If you don’t want to change a field, do not submit it with the form.

Form Fields

Field Max Length* Required Notes
response_type No Default results will be returned in XML. Set this field value to json to return results in JSON format
accountid Yes Must be numeric. Account ID for this account. Found in Settings > API Settings or for White Label CRM in the Admin control panel
apikey Yes API Key for this account. Found in Settings > API Settings or for White Label CRM in the Admin control panel
teammemberid No Must be numeric. Team Member ID. Defaults to 0 (Account Owner).
identifymethod 1 Yes Values:

1 : By contactid (It’s recommended that you use this method and store our contactid in your system)

2 : By primary email on file. If there are multiple matches for the email address, we will choose the first one (by add date)

3: By email or other email on file.  If there are multiple matches for the email address, we will choose the first one (by add date)

identifyvalue 75 Yes Value changes based on indentifymethod. Must be integer if contactid, otherwise must be an email address on file
note Yes No HTML.

Use \n to insert a new line character.

Prefix your notes with [[System]] to make your note be non-editable, non-delete-able, non-bold, and have a special icon.  This helps your system messages stand out less than normal notes.

In addition to [[System]], you can also prefix your notes with

[[System]][[Icon:Text]] to display a texting icon, or

[[System]][[Icon:Email]] to display an email icon.

[[System]][[Icon:Calendar]] to display an calendar icon.

pin No : Not Pinned (default)
: Pin this note
(there is maximum number of pinned notes.  Pinning a note may unpin an older note.)
date No Optional Date+Time in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm (Use US Central time)
To use current server time, leave the date field blank

* An error will not result if Max Length is exceeded. Data will be trimmed to this length. 

Sample Results

Success Message

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Sample Failure Message

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <error>Authentication failed</error>

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <error>Add Note failed: Contact not found</error>