Tools and News for Developers using the AllClients Platform



Create a To-Do for a Contact based on information sent via an http form post.

Post Url
  • SSL is requred
  • White Label CRM Customers: Replace with your White Label CRM domain name.

Form Fields

Field Max Length* Required Notes
response_type No Default results will be returned in XML. Set this field value to json to return results in JSON format
accountid Yes Must be numeric. Account ID for this account. Found in Settings > API Settings or for White Label CRM in the Admin control panel
teammemberid No Default is 0 for Account Owner
apikey Yes API Key for this account. Found in Settings > API Settings or for White Label CRM in the Admin control panel
contactid Yes* Either contactid or email will be used to identify the contact.
(contactid is more preferred and more accurate)
email Yes* Either contactid or email will be used to identify the contact.
priority  1 Yes Possible Values
– High
3 – Normal
5 – Low
summary  50 Yes
details  250 No
duedate Yes Date in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY
category No Possible Values
1 – Email
– Letter
– Phone Call
– No Category
emailtemplateid No Needed for category “Email” only
lettertemplateid No Needed for “Letter” only

Sample Results


Success Message


Sample Failure Message

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <error>Authentication failed</error>